Keep your hand board fresh and clean

So, you’ve got yourself a hand board, and you want to keep it cruising like a champ, right? No problemo!

Cleaning Tips

Let’s dive into some easy-peasy cleaning tips to keep your hand board in tip-top shape.

Cleaning Schedule

First things first, decide how often you want to give your hand board a spa day. If you’re riding like a maniac or kicking it in dusty spots, you might want to clean it more often. But don’t overdo it either; too much cleaning can wear things out.

Cleaning Gear

Gather your cleaning squad. You’ll need a soft cloth, like an old T-shirt or a microfiber towel, some gentle soap mixed with water, and a soft brush—nothing abrasive that could scratch your board.

What Needs Cleaning

Know the drill—what parts of your hand board need a scrub? That usually includes the deck, grip tape, wheels, trucks, and bearings. Each piece might need a different touch.

Deck and Grip Tape

For your deck and grip tape, start by brushing off loose dirt and grime. Then, take a cloth or towel, dampen it with your soapy water mix, and wipe the deck clean. Be careful not to soak the grip tape; it’s a sensitive soul.


Now for those wheels. Pop ’em out if you can. Clean ’em up with your damp cloth, making sure you get rid of all the muck. Focus on the part of the wheel that touches the ground; that’s where the action happens.


Give your trucks some love by wiping them down with a soapy cloth. Don’t forget the pivot cup area; dirt there can mess with your turning mojo. Dry those trucks thoroughly afterward to dodge any rust issues.


Bearings are like the heart of your handboard. Treat ’em right. Take ’em off the wheels and use a special bearing cleaner or some solvent to loosen up the dirt. Give it a good shake to get the gunk out. Once that’s done, dry ’em out, slap on some skate-bearing oil, and put ’em back where they belong.

Let It All Dry

Give your cleaned components some quality alone time to dry out completely before putting your hand board back together. This helps dodge any moisture-related problems and keeps your board running like a champ.

Stick to a plan

Make a habit out of this cleaning thing. Regular maintenance keeps your hand board happy. After every ride, give your gear a quick once-over to spot any issues that need fixing.

Replacement Parts

Sometimes, stuff’s just too worn out or damaged. Don’t sweat it; consider swapping out the part for a fresh one to keep your hand board rolling smoothly.

Don’t go overboard

While keeping things clean is a must, don’t go crazy with it. Too much cleaning can wear stuff out faster. Find that balance.


Keeping your hand board clean is a breeze when you know the drill. Stick to a routine, use the right tools, and give your gear some TLC. Your hand board will love you for it, and you’ll keep cruising the fingerboarding world like a king.



Andre likes to share design blog posts on social media and in online forums. He has a degree in Graphic Design, and he loves working with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In his spare time, Andre enjoys hiking and camping with his friends.

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